Monday, December 23, 2013


We were in Germany for Christmas break and decided to visit Zürich for a day trip.  I've always wanted to visit a little more of Switzerland and see how a country of four languages manages to live in the mountains.

I thought the city would be something like Munich or other Bavarian cities, but it's definitely not Germanic.  It's Swiss.

It's not that big, but it does have everything a major city would have.

I did like the little things that they have kept, like this funicular that goes up the hill to the University on top.

The view down by the river was really nice, I thought that we would have a proper winter with loads of snow, but were greeted with a Sunny Spring day.

The shopping was quite something, with the little stores selling anything you'd like.  But now days it seams to be a little too much overload as anyone can get a nice watch and honestly I believe most of these components sold here are made in China anyways.

The view from Lindenhof was quite nice, seeing the snow-capped mountains in the distance.  Lindenhof is a nice park that was once the location of a Roman fort and also the site where the Helvetic Republic was founded.

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